Purebrush is the #1 Best Selling Antibacterial UV Toothbrush Sanitizer!
Clinically Proven, Serious Sanitizer
Purchasing a Purebrush Antibacterial Toothbrush Sanitizer
Purchasing a Purebrush antibacterial toothbrush sanitizer is the only way to insure that you and your family are safe from illness causing microorganisms. The Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer is the only toothbrush sanitizer on the market that really works.
Our UV Toothbrush Sanitizer Claims are Backed by Clinical Studies
Legitimate clinical studies are conducted at reputable universities. This insures that they are not biased or slanted in favor of company claims. Universities will not create or alter their finding because it would destroy their reputations in the academic community.
Be sure to read our Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer posted clinical studies which are from reputable institutions; University of New York at Stony Brook and the University Oklahoma.
The bottom line is, if the toothbrush sanitizer you are thinking of buying doesn't have any clinical studies posted, it is most likely due to the fact they these companies don't have proof that their toothbrush sanitizer works.
Protect yourself and your family. Make the right decision. Buy a Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer today!
Our Purebrush Toothbrush Sanitizer is Great for Families or Individuals
Our toothbrush sanitizer is great for families, friends or individuals. It is a must have for everyone but is especially necessary for any person stricken with an illness which causes them to have a weakened immune system.
Our Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer holds four toothbrushes including the Sonicare, Oral- B, Interplak or Braun removable brush heads as well as any manual toothbrush currently on the market.
Easy to Mount Toothbrush Sanitizer
The Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer easily mounts onto any bathroom wall (Brackets included) or it stands upright on your bathroom counter top and plugs into any outlet. The Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer is UL listed and it is the only toothbrush sanitizer that carries the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
Sanitizers Are Our Main Business
Murdock Laboratories' sole purpose is to manufacturer, advertise and distribute the Purebrush Antibacterial Toothbrush Sanitizer Family of Products.
Our Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer is the most innovative, user friendly reliable, clinically proven to work toothbrush sanitizer on the market today.
The Purebrush toothbrush sanitizer is revolutionizing the way the world stores toothbrushes by creating a personal health care device that reduces the quality of illness causing microorganisms that are commonly found on a toothbrush.

Purebrush® is a registered trademark of Murdock Laboratories Inc.
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Customer Testimonials
- "Purebrush provides the protection they need..."
- "Because people forget to change their toothbrushes as often as they should, Purebrush provides the protection they need."
- "Dr visits have decreased dramatically..."
- Purebrush is wonderful! I have two small children and our doctor visits have decreased dramatically since we purchased our Purebrush. I really think your product is great and I believe that you are doing a great thing for people's health.
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